Saturday, June 30, 2018

My First Post

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Welcome to my first post on my brand new blog. Reading other's blogs, especially adoption blogs, has become a hobby for me lately. It's fascinating to me how the Lord has led so many people in different areas the same way - to care for orphans. Of course, this mandate has been around since the Bible; but adoption has been embraced only lately. Once, adoption was viewed as the answer for infertile couples; now the tide has turned that it is the answer for the orphan! I'm not adopting out of "need" for a child, but because the children need a family! I hope you enjoy this glimps into the daily life of our family. Let me introduce you to our family: Mom and Dad are Jenny and JD; we have been married almost 17 years. Gabriel is 15, Alexandria 13, Moriah 9, Alyssa 8, James 6, Benjamin 6, Victoria 2 and Julia 1.

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