Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Horses and Slides

Tori kissing Julia

·         Horses and slides

My girls take horseback riding in the afternoon normally, but since it's been so hot, we went first thing this morning.  Horseback riding is one of those activities that I agonize over; I am always trying to figure out the balance of out-of-the home activities a family the size of mine should engage in.  Obviously, it differs between families, but it seems that every activity that requires leaving the house has to be REALLY worth the trouble.  Don't get me wrong, we leave the house everyday for something, but I still weigh every activity.  Alei, Moriah and Alyssa all love riding, but it's expensive and time consuming; although for now it's passing my "worth it" standard.  Since we have homeschool co-op classes on Tuesday and Thursday and Book Club every other Friday, it only leaves Monday and Wednesdays to cram in music lessons, gymnastics and horseback riding.  I would love to buy an extra day of the week!  So, everyone but Gabriel, headed out the door this morning at 8:30 for riding lessons, then we stopped for 20 minutes at the park.  Turns out, I can take at least 50 pictures in 20 minutes!  Here's our morning:

          James, Ben, Alyssa, Alei, Moriah, Tori and Julia pet the horses.

This was the first time Ben pet a horse; he was pretty excited.

Tori was concerned about the wet park mulch on her Hello Kitty shoes.

Alei and Julia on the "handicap" swing; Julia was saying "Whoa...."

James mastering the monkey bars.

Alyssa and Moriah scaling the slides.

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